How To Get What You Want

If you know what you want and you’re ready to make it happen this is how you get your goal.

Just start. Yep, that’s it. Just start.

Not tomorrow, not next week. Not when things slow down or when things lighten up. Not when you think you have it all together or when you know you can’t fail at it. Today. Start now.

Right now I want you to just pause and breathe deeply. Then just take a step. One step. Don’t sprint, don’t run don’t lose sight of the next step. You have thought about and identified your wants. You have discovered your needs. You have sought out who will walk with you.

Now start walking....

I am on the same journey with you. over the last month I have started what I and my accountability team call the Daily 5. It is the five things for me that I am committed to do everyday as habit starters. As a way to mark my day that if I begin by doing these things then I know I will have a successful day.

Here are my Daily 5:

  • Wake up before the sun

  • Exercise

  • Train my mind (I just online courses)

  • Write my goals down

  • Read 10 pages

Do they get done every day first thing? Nope. But do they get done everyday? Yes. well at least at this point in the year they do. I share this not say that you need to do a Daily 5 as well or that your goals need to be the same as me. You know what you want and need to get there. I share this to to show you that I’m in this too. I want to build, live and leave a legacy of encouragement, challenge and truth. In order to get what I want, I need to be more disciplined in the habits that will sustain what I want.

And you know how I got here? I started. Today friend, make a move.


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