Removing Distractions & Increasing Proximity

Being known is especially important and vital when it comes to building meaningful relationships. In order for you to begin to build a deeper more intentional relationship it starts with looking in the mirror. That's probably a phrase you've heard multiple times from me but it's because I believe it to be true. In order for you to begin to create the kind of depth we want with those we care about the most, it requires removing distraction.

It's easy to have great intentions but miss the impact of our choices when we are distracted. We mean well when it takes us four days to get back to a text. We mean well when we answer that work e-mail during dinner. We mean well a lot. What distractions can you begin to remove? What is getting in the way of your relationships with those that you care about?

Once you remove distractions, then you can focus on increasing proximity. Increasing proximity doesn't always have to mean face-to-face or even physical proximity. Increasing proximity can look like weekly phone calls, more frequent date-nights, checking-in via text. How can you increase the proximity to those around you? At work, in-person or virtually, what are you doing to remind those that you work with that you desire to build a relationship? When it comes to your personal life, how are you increasing proximity? When was the last time you invited someone into closer proximity to you?

If you find yourself desiring to be known, to have a closer connection to people you care about, what are you doing to create that? How can you decrease distractions and increase proximity in your relationships, friendships, and/or partnerships? I believe when we remove distractions and increase proximity we find ourselves building the kind of relationship we desire most. We find the ability to be known.


What Happens When You Assume?


What Does It Mean To Be Known?