A Minute For YOurself

What if you gave yourself a minute, just one minute, every day to pause and assess. Would anything change? Sitting in a reflective space isn’t something many of us like to do. But many of us want to grow, change, and push ourselves. If we set goals we have to create regular moments of opportunities for assessing ourselves and sitting in that reflective space. And this blog post is to show that you can do that in just a minute.


It’s easy to fall into thinking that January is the only time of year to assess and adjust. We should have regular moments to pause and reflect on where we’re at, where we’re headed, and where we’ve been. The small habits and consistencies we set/take today will lead us somewhere after a while, and if we’re not careful it won’t take us where we wanted to go. Maybe you set out to run a marathon this year, and you’ve been running and running and practicing and practicing and now you’re feeling burnt out and exhausted. That could be the goal you set wasn’t the right one. Maybe it wasn’t about running a marathon but it was about feeling healthier and building stamina to be able to play with your kids and in all this practicing and running you’ve sacrificed time with your kids which have left you feeling unfulfilled. This might now be any of you but now you get the idea. How often do you check in with yourself to make sure that what you’re doing today aligns with the goals you’ve set for yourself down the road? How often of you check in with yourself to make sure the goals you’ve set for yourself are still true to who you are? We shouldn’t only be encouraged to do this on January 1 but on any day of the year. Today, this random Sunday in July is a great time.


  • What are your daily habits?

  • Are those habits helping you reach your goals?

  • What habits do you need to continue, what habits do you need to stop, and what habits do you need to start?


  • Start a habit that helps you reach your goals.

  • Set a date for when you are going to assess and adjust (where needed) your habits and goals.

  • Share with a friend.

Set a timer, and spend no longer than one minute reflecting. That’s it. Read the prompts, think about your answers, and then do.


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