How To Be A Truth-Teller

Being a truth teller might be one of the most important factors of any relationship. The ability to be clear, to be honest, and to say exactly what it is you are feeling when you are feeling it is so important. And just like a muscle, it takes time and practice to build this skill.

Now I understand, that in our professional circles, it’s not always acceptable to share how you feel 100% of the time every time. Even in non-professional circles, there is a difference between being vulnerable and emotional dumping. Yet, I cannot encourage us enough to communicate the reality of where you are and what you feel and I cannot fully express how beneficial that is to deepening your relationships.

So what does it mean to be a truth teller? It means being you. Not attempting to be who you think you're supposed to be. Not attempting to be who you think someone need you to be. Not attempting to be who you think you have to be based on the person in our life that you really love said you should be. It is the freedom to solely be you. Openly, authentically, honestly. And it means trusting that you are good.

When we are a truth teller, it give us the ability to walk into confrontation and conflict freely. Confrontation and conflict doesn't have to be the enemy. It doesn’t have to be something we are afraid of or worried about. It is the conflict and confrontation that allows us to see the goodness in the beauty and the truth.

Where do you need to be a truth teller? Where do you need to walk into confrontation or potential conflict and trust that it is those things that create conviction? If you're someone who hears confrontation and wants to run away, what would happen if you redefined confrontation as an opportunity to be a truth teller? I don't think confrontation was designed to create a negative impact. It was designed to give us the ability to speak openly and freely about who we are, what we believe in how we believe we can create good in the world.

What does being a truth teller look like to you? How have you viewed conflict? Where can you trust that in your gut, that thing you are feeling, might in fact be the thing to set you free?


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