Back To The Drawing Board
I’ve talked your ear off about the importance of establishing your own definitions for words. Not necessarily every word, we don’t need you out there spending all your time writing your own dictionary. But the words that you use often, the words that describe you, and the words that are important to your life should be defined by you. After all, their power is most important to you. If you’re someone who values generosity, it’s something you want your life to be marked by, my definition of that word won’t hold any weight. It’s not my value. Your definition is what matters.
I said I talked your ear off about this and then continued to talk your other ear off so let’s get back on track. I want to take us back to the drawing board and redefine self-confidence.
What's the first thing you think about when you hear self-confidence? I think most people fall into two camps here. Some people, when they hear self-confidence, think first about an arrogant-like confidence. In order to have a substantial amount of confidence, you have to feel superior. Whereas others have a more doubt-filled view of self-confidence. That having any amount of confidence is too far out of reach.
I think we need a re-framing of self-confidence. We need to get rid of everything we make self-confidence out to be and simplify it to this: looking at yourself and believing that you are good. The ability to look at yourself in the mirror and see that person as good.
I know that to be true about you. You are good. Self-confidence comes when you can look in the mirror and know that to be true about yrouself too.