Creatures of Habit

Hey, creature. Can I call you creature?

We are creatures of habit. We do the same thing every day for consistency's sake. Which, don't get me wrong, isn't a bad thing. I'm just trying to state the obvious here, lean into this truth, and see if there’s a shift we need to make. Because even though we are creatures of habit, that is not all that we are. We are simultaneously deeply emotional and highly personal creatures. There's, typically, something we long for more than the mundane, same-old-same-old, ease of predictability, etc.

That thing you want? That place you want to be? That relationship level you want to reach? Those are all possibilities if you start making the changes necessary to get there. What do you want?

Put on your dream-thinking hat.

If it was easy, what is something you would want right now in life? Where would you want to be if you could get there with no obstacles in your way? What would you do?

Be selfish.

This is a space for you to be completely selfish, the good kind. (If you're unaware of a good kind of selfish, remind me to make a blog post about that) You parents out there, don't think about what your kids would want for themselves. You Enneagram 2's, don't think about what your significant other would want for themselves. You corporate junkies, don't think about what your boss would want for you. In this space, you get to think about what YOU want for yourself right now.

Keep thinking about it.

Remind yourself often what you’re working towards. A purpose statement, if you will. You have goals, desires, dreams and I want to create the tools you need to achieve those but it's going to require some groundwork. We'll get there. But for now, this is all I want to leave you with.

Think about where you want to go. Whether that be a literal place, a new job role, a relationship level with someone you care about, a change you want to make, ANYTHING! Then, remind yourself often of that goal. What would happen if you reminded yourself every day of your goal? What do you think could change from consistently being reminded of where you want to be?

