
That’s it. That’s the title of this blog. Whether you know it or not, you need boundaries.

Boundaries can have such a negative connotation. As if by setting them you're removing something, blocking someone out, or building walls. Which in turn makes you feel or sound like an asshole. At least that's where I've been, but I have a feeling I'm not alone.

What if we actively decided to change how we define boundaries? What if we changed the negative connotation to a positive? What if we decided that setting boundaries didn't mean saying no to someone or something but that it meant saying yes to ourselves?

This may seem foreign to you, and the depth of this concept will be an entirely different blog post but changing our perspective, definition, and value of words is normal and necessary. Keep this in mind when it comes to boundaries, because not only should your relationship to the word boundaries shift from negative but the boundaries themselves should shift as you and the dynamics shift.

Listen, I am preaching to the choir right now. I am learning to understand this new definition of boundaries myself. I'm learning to see my worth and my value more clearly and confidently. The more that I trust that I alone am worthy, the more I begin to see how boundaries may in fact allow me to walk a path solely designed for me. In order for me to live into who I am designed to be, I have to set up boundaries that prevent me from doing so.

Building meaningful relationships require boundaries so that you stay true to youself. Building meaningful relationships starts with you. If YOU want to build a meaningful relationship with your spouse, your children, your friends, your co-workers then YOU have to put in the good, true, beautiful, hard, necessary work to get there.

So let's put in the good work, let's make a move today that starts that transformation. How do you define boundaries? Has your definition or perspective of boundaries changed? What boundaries do you need to put in place so that you stay on the path that is designed for you?


The Power of And


Creatures of Habit