Just Keep Swimming

Yes, that’s a direct quote from my good friend Dory.

I think courage, boiled down, could be defined simply as that. To just keep swimming. I usually define courage as the ability to move forward, at any chosen pace, regardless of the unknown. It’s easy to over-explain courage or give it a more eloquent definition, but let’s be honest Disney knows a thing or two. And they nailed it with that iconic line.

If we have built connections that matter, if we are fostering a community of like-valued and different-minded individuals who have a clear destination of what we want, then friends, just keep swimming. Show up again today. And when today is over, take a quick assessment of what you did and go to bed and wake up tomorrow and just keep swimming. It's not about figuring out how long of a streak we can continue that habit, it's not about determining how much money we can pile up in that account, it's not about figuring out how to prepare for all the possibilities that could occur in the next year. It’s all about showing up today and just swimming on.

I think we could all benefit from a little bit more acknowledgement and a lot less judgement when it comes to assessing how our day went. The glass has water filled up to the middle instead of the glass is half-full or is half-empty.

Yes, there are going to be things that make us stressed. Yes, there's going to be things that messed up on. Yes, there's going to be things that we loved.t. Yes, all of those things are going to continue to happen every single day and that’s why I cannot encourage you enough, to just keep swimming. Acknowledge and swim on. Let each day come, give it your best, assess, and swim again the next day.

Every day is day one. It's not about restarting, it’s about doing. today, and today only. Just keep swimming.


The Good Kind of Selfish


You Are The Company You Keep