What Do You Need?
Once you’ve made space to ask yourself “What do I want?” (See one blog post back), the question that I think should follow is, “What do you need?”.
You might be thinking, “Rocky, did you do this in backwards order? I thought that you can’t have what you want until you make sure everyone else has what they need.”
Well I want to challenge that thought and challenge you to a new one. If you are wiling to ask yourself, what do you want, first, I believe it will give you the permission to assess your needs and to then go find the support you need.
Most of us, or at least me, tend to get caught in the asking for help part. We have been taught and conditioned to do it alone, not ask for help or if we do ask for help, we are then made to believe we are weak. Well I call BS.
Asking for help is the only way I believe we can get to where we want to go. So, what do you need help with in order to get to where you want? Who can you ask to support you?
Don’t walk alone and remember, we have your back.