What do you want?

One question I find myself always asking in coaching sessions, team workshops, and in personal relationships is... what do you want? It surprises me how often I ask it because it seems like such a simple question. But how often do we allow ourselves the opportunity to sit back and reflect on what we want?

Now I don’t mean that as “What do you want from me?” What I mean is, when you think about your life (or insert: career, family, relationships, etc.) ask yourself, what do you want.

We all have a tendency to get inundated with our to-do lists. We’re so consumed with the task at hand or looking toward what’s next to do, that we forget time to pause and give ourselves space. What would change in your life if you more often created space to pause, look up from the busyness, and make sure you’re headed towards what you want. So as we begin this new year, this is the simple question I have for you, What do you want <fname>?

I am committed to helping you get there any way I can and to start, if you feel stuck already, click here and start with this... www.beconfidentbook.com If that does not do the trick, here are what I want lists for this year...

  • I want to build, live and leave a legacy of encouragement, challenge and truth.

  • I want to choose to do the hard things that matter most.

  • I want to walk along others and create space to facilitate growth in their lives.

  • I want to be conscious of my time and focus and spend it building depth and not breadth.

  • I want to wake up trusting that who I am is what makes me valuable and that what I do is simply a result of the knowledge of who I am.

  • I want to make decisions based on my convictions not on what is convenient. I want to die knowing, I was a good man.

If you want more accountability, tag me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/rockygarza and let me know what you are chasing after. Honored to walk with you!


What Do You Need?


What Happens When You Assume?