Planning Your New Years Goals

You’re not behind. You are right on time.

This isn’t about getting ahead. This is about staying on track.

Before we go further, I want us to go through a little reflection exercise. Last week, many of us celebrated Thanksgiving. Regardless of where you went for Thanksgiving or if/how you celebrated, we all had thankfulness and gratitude on our minds. And I pushed you to share your thankfulness and gratitude keeping in mind that there is a level of vulnerability required in doing so. If you did, and even if you didn’t, reflect on that. How was that experience?

It’s often thought that we learn from experience or trial and error. But as John Dewey has said, “We do not learn from experiencing…we learn from reflecting on experience. Now keeping that in mind, what did you learn from that experience? What did you learn about yourself from either sharing or not sharing?

Reflection takes curiosity, a lack of judgement, and honesty. This practice of reflection is what we should do with every experience we’re faced with. This is how we learn, and we transform, how we grow.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on your goals. The goals you have set for yourself short-term and long term. Even your 2022 New Year’s goals. From your experience of goal setting, staying on track with your goals, accomplishing your goals. What are you learning about yourself in that process? This is the perfect time to reflect on our goals and where we’re headed. This gives us something we can meditate on this for the next month and feel confident heading into 2023.

Pretty soon we’ll be putting away the Christmas decor and coming down off the holiday buzz. And I want you to be as prepared as you possibly can to feel like you know who you are, what you want, and how you’re going to get there.

You’re not behind, we’re not trying to hustle our wya to get ahead, we’re trying to be honest about where we are now and learn from our experience so that we can set goals that stay true to who we are and what we value.

Do you feel confident in your ability to do that? If you don’t, that’s okay! You’re not alone. I’ve been there, many times. I’ve found some tools and resources that have helped me and would love to share those with you. And that definitely sounded more sales pitchy-y than I wanted it to but I hope you can hear past that tone and know that I want to do what I can to help you experience the freedom to be found from living vulnerably.


Where To Start, Planning Your New Years Goals


Say It Don’t Spray It