The Power of And

If there was only one thing that everyone I meet with walks away remembering from me, I would want it to be, add the word 'and' to your vocabulary.

It seems to me, through the many conversations I've had over the years, that building meaningful relationships and letting go of our people-pleasing tendencies comes down to the inability to say 'and'.

My hope and desire and the reason that I do what I do is because I have experienced the impact words can have on my own life. The freedom, the depth, the change that comes with the perspective shift from our word choice. And none are probably as impactful as the shift that came from saying "and" more.

You can be both strong and emotional. You can feel both scared and brave. You can find the work you do both challenging and life-giving. Both, and.

Don't feel the pressure to pick one thing to be, feel, believe. Step into the freedom that comes with allowing yourself to be both, and. Because the power of and is a change-maker. What are you both, and? Or in other words, what are two experiences that you tell yourself are opposites when, in fact, they can co-exist?


Recognition v. Recognized

