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We are all, by nature, consistent people. Even if you’re thinking “That’s not me! I like adventure and spontaneity and switching things up!” that in itself is you being consistently adventurous and spontaneous. Consistency is good. However, unchecked consistency can lead us down a path that does not look how we want it to look. How often are you checking in on your habitual nature?

Listen, I don’t want to sound too dramatic, but creating consistency that matched my goals changed my life. The Daily 5 habits that I stick to have helped my focus throughout the day, have helped me accomplish more in the day, and have helped refined my goals. We’ve established that we’re consistent people, so what are you consistently doing?

Some things to consider. What do you want your daily five to be? What five things are you going to set out to achieve every day that help you get where you want to go? How is your consistent nature holding you back from achieving your goals?

Daily means daily. No matter the time of day. Consistency is key here, and since we’re consistent by nature, I challenge you to stick to the daily habits that help you reach your goals. Whether it’s accomplishing your daily habits first thing in the morning like I plan on or whether it’s 8:00pm and they’ve gotten away from you, stick to your habits & achieve your goals.

If you don’t know where to start, start here: write it down. Think about these questions, think about your habits, think about what you want and write it down. Every day answer these same questions and write down your answers. That’s it. Over the next week, next month, see how your answer changes and take note of what stands out.


Our other good friend, Vulnerability.


Our Good Friend, Courage