Our Good Friend, Courage


This word either elicits a cringe in your gut or sparks a power to conquer anything.

And let me tell you something that might be new to you or something you often forget, both are good. Yes, cringing can be good.

A cringe is your body’s way of telling you to prepare, to get ready. It’s a warning signal that something’s coming but I think too often we assume that what’s coming next is “bad” for us. When you get that feeling in your gut that makes you think “what’s next might not be good” I challenge you to take a moment and really look at what is coming, because friend, it might be the thing you have been waiting for. That’s what courage looks like.

Courage is the ability to move forward at any pace in the face of fear and the unknown. And for many of us, what is missing in making the next courageous decision in our lives, is a bit of (en)courage(ment). Courage is not about being fearless, it’s about beginning to trust ourselves so we begin to fear, less.

Maybe what you need is a gentle push, a small nudge. Maybe it’s a reminder that you are good. A reminder that you can do hard things and when you get that feeling, either the cringe in your gut or the power of 1000 suns, remember that courage comes in the face of the unknown.

Have a project you want to work on? Got an idea you are ready to share but feel stuck or afraid? Now is your chance. Let this be the moment and nudge you to need to take the step at whatever pace, into the fear and unknown.

My guess is that when you take that courageous step you might just surprise yourself.


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