The Key To Greatness

Connection is key.

You may have heard this before. I would push it even further and say it’s crucial. What I mean by that is at the beginning of every great relationship, every great company, every great idea it all started with a connection. For that matter, we could go as far as to say, that anything great in our lives all started with a moment of connection. The connection can look like a moment where people connect, a moment where ideas, or a moment where businesses connect.

Where are you at today? Where are you trying to go today? Are you trying to grow your business? Are you trying to build better connections at work in order to improve your career? Are you trying to deepen a personal relationship? Whatever it is for you, what you could be missing is a moment of connection. Connection is not just the ability to create an initial spark and call it a day. But rather, connection is the ability to create an initial spark and then begin to see how the fusing of those people or ideas becomes the catalyst we needed to move forward.

Take a little assessment right now for a little self-assessment. Where do you currently feel the most connected? When I’ve thought about this in the past I can usually answer that question pretty quickly. We know in our gut where we feel the most connected. Then, I also realize where I wish I was feeling more connected. What is that answer for you, where are the places you’re looking to feel more connected? Who are the people that you tend to connect with most easily? Where are the places where you could put additional effort into connecting with folks not exactly like you?

The key you need to unlock what it is you want is connection.


You Are The Company You Keep


Don’t Do This