Don’t Do This

What is keeping you from taking a step towards what you want? If you’ve already taken the step what was it at first that kept you from getting to where you are now? Because we’re humans and we have vulnerabilities none of us just wake up one day and decide, you know what I want?

You’re going to face obstacles. There’s no way around it. If you want to complete a marathon, you might have to take a break for physical therapy to address some knee pain. If you want to build a deep relationship with someone you love, you might have to sit in feelings you’ve pushed aside for years. These obstacles can easily feel like failures and make you think you what you want isn't meant for you.

What you want is meant for you. You deserve what you want. Now of course that is within reason. You can't just say “I want a closet full of Gucci, I deserve it right now.” And then go into a crazy amount of credit card debt to get what you want. That's not what I'm saying. If you want to want to grow your business and income so that you can comfortably spend your money on what makes you happy, I think you deserve that. So then, what steps will you take today to get there?

To do any of these things, to do whatever it is you want to do, you have to take the first step and get over the first hurdle. The hurdle of the lack of belief in yourself. The voice in your head that says: I don’t deserve this, I’m not worthy of wanting this, or I’m not good enough, or somebody else would be better at this than me. That’s doubt convincing you to give up.

Don’t convince yourself that you don’t deserve what you want. Don’t convince yourself you’re not worthy or good enough. Don’t convince yourself that somebody else would be better. Don’t convince yourself to give up before you’ve started.

Whatever you do, don’t let the first hurdle stop you. Don’t convince yourself that what you said you want is not for you. It is. You know what to do to get there, take the step. Don’t convince yourself you’re going to fail before you even start.


The Key To Greatness


What will you dO?