Why are we the way we are?

Why do we long for something and then simultaneously do nothing or change nothing to achieve what we long for?

Whatever is easy, whatever is comfortable is our default. We look for the shortest, quickest route home. We look for efficiency in our workplace. We like things to be quick, easy, effortless, the list goes on. I'm not saying that any of that is bad, if anything it’s a great thing sometimes. It's just that default setting we have to bypass hard or difficult for easy can keep us from growth, from reaching our goals when it comes unnoticed or goes unchecked.

If I asked you: What is it you desire for yourself, your life, right now? Getting there, to your answer, will take hard work that will likely feel uncomfortable. But when has anything we've worked for come easily and comfortably? As a friend recently put it, it is unlikely the world will carry you unprompted to a place that you want to go. Do you want a flourishing marriage? Do you desire a healthy relationship with your parents? Do you want a successful business? You won’t get there only by taking the easy route.

I want you to consider this. When you think about achieving, doing, creating, being whatever it is you hope for yourself. What part of that makes you feel uncomfortable? What is the fear, obstacle, or maybe doubt that prevents you from walking in the direction of what you want?

The hard work required, the normalization of feeling uncomfortable, the uprooting of doubt comes when we are disciplined. When we actively choose to walk toward what we want even when it doesn't feel good and when the road is long. Choosing yourself, your dreams, and desires consistently even when it takes all you have will, at times, feel uncomfortable and hard to do.

Building a life you deeply believe in will feel uncomfortable at times. That doesn't mean we should default to comfort. What situations or conversations do you find uncomfortable or hard when it comes to what you want?


Be Confident, Chapter One


Conviction over Conflict