The Hero Has To Die

The voice that tells says, “I can handle all of this” has to stop. The story that reads, “I don’t need any help” has to end. The person that says, “I can do it all on my own” has to die.

How often have we thought or said something like I’m going to do it all, I’m going to be it all or, I’m going to have it all to myself. Why do we push ourselves to be the hero?

The short and sweet (or maybe sour) of it is, the hero has to die.

You are not meant to run at 110% capacity. You are not meant to do everything alone. You are not meant to exhaust yourself in order to be exalted.

When the hero dies, vulnerability wins. When vulnerability wins, that’s where growth begins. That’s when transformation comes.

That’s it, friend. That’s the blog post. Forget about the hero, focus on the vulnerability.


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