The Importance of Clarity

I've got a question for you. But before we get to that, let me preface with this reminder:

When you find clarity, you find the ability to build conviction.

Said in another way, and specifically speaking to the clarity of self, when you know who you are you find confidence.

If you don’t know who you are, how can you be confident? There’s no foundation of truth for conviction to build upon when you haven’t put together a clear picture of who you are.

With confidence, you find the ability to look at something and believe that it is good. When faced with a moment to see what is true, you are faced with a moment to ask yourself: Do you believe that what you see is good? You deserve to be known. I truly believe in that. You deserve to know who you are and know that who you are is good.

Now, that isn't the question I had for you but it's the preface of my question for you.

Where do you currently want to build more confidence?

It could be in overcoming self-doubt, understanding who you are, or knowing what step to take next. For some of you, it might even be needed in your relationships with others.

Gaining confidence starts with clarity. If you understand this truth but don’t know what to do next, reach out to me. Send me a DM, e-mail me, text me! However, you move forward just know you’re not alone. I’m here to walk along with you.


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