What Do you See When You Look In The Mirror?

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you believe that what you see is good?

I have full confidence in saying that who you are is good. I'm not directly or specifically talking about how you physically look, although that can certainly apply. I'm, more broadly, talking about your entire self.

Everyone has moments and memories when our confidence was shaken. When a deep-seated belief we carried was a less-than-positive review of ourselves. Confidence, namely self-confidence, is a reminder that our body, our heart, ourselves, is in fact good. Let me say that again. At our core, we are good. Our bodies are good, our hearts are good, our self is good.

Somewhere along the way, we let doubt come in and corrode the belief that who we are is good. To restore or rebuild that confidence comes back to reminding yourself of the truth. For me, that is not only something I continually remind myself of but something I continually remind those that I love most.

In my kids, I can see their joy. Their excitement. Their freedom. Their opportunity. Their innocence.⁠

We all had that at one point, didn’t we? Somewhere along the way, so many of these things got lost. They were traded for false hope and a lie that someone else's opinion of us is more valuable than our ability to see ourselves. ⁠

I hope, pray and work actively to remind these two that they are in fact good. That is in their bones they will always find goodness.⁠

And you too friend, are good. And your good is enough.

What do you see in the mirror? If the mirror has gotten a little foggy, self-reflection is your tool for cleaning the mirror. How do you plan to create space and time for cleaning?


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