The Life-Changing Question

What do you want?

That’s it. That’s the question.

How do you answer it?

Sometimes when I ask this question to my coaching clients, an audience or a friend I’m met with questions like “What do you mean?”, “Like in 10 years?”, or “Personally or professionally?” And my answer to any question like that is always, “yes”. There’s no wrong or right way to answer this question. Because the answer only matters to you. The answer only has the ability to change your life, not mine or anyone else’s.

Do you want to answer that question with different timelines in mind (30 days, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.), go for it! Do you want to answer that question with different roles in mind (as an individual, as a spouse, as a parent etc.), go for it! Do you want to answer that question with different mindsets (personally, or professionally), go for it! If you want to change, you have to start by asking yourself what the goal is first. What do you want?

This question has the ability to be the single most impactful question to ask yourself every day. Specifically when it comes to impacting your daily behavior, goal setting, and ability to make wise and clear decisions on the next step to take. I know it can feel like a difficult question to answer. The answer can feel limitless and therefore paralyzing. But what if you spent one minute, every day answering this question? What clarity would you gain? What focus would you gain? What motivation would you gain? If you spent one minute meditating on this a day, that’s thirty minutes a month spent focusing on your goals and daily actions.

I think we all have energy and gusto but many of us are not using them in the right direction. We’re headed down a path that ends in a place we don’t want to be. Not asking yourself this question is the only thing that keeps you from getting where you want to be.

If you spent even just one minute thinking on this question every day, you’d spend 1 minute focusing on your goals every day. That’s 30 minutes of work a month on your goals. Imagine then what would change. What if the next month you gave space for 5 minutes focusing on answering “What do I want?”, what would change? I think you’ll find that what will start off as very broad, vague answers over time will turn into specific, important goals with actions you can take today to achieve. Clarity comes when you continue to refine and refine your answer.

What do you want?

Need help answering that question? Schedule a call. That yellow button above and below? Click it and let’s meet face-to-face to figure it out.


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