This Is Your Sign

Together, let's do the good, hard thing.

You know what you need to do next. When you clicked on this blog post title you felt that twinge in your gut. Remember, everything takes hard work. Everything. I don’t say that to sound pessimistic or minimize the work, but to encourage that this feeling you have is not rare. We all share it.

So, what do you want?

Do you want a more meaningful relationship with your kids?
Do you want a promotion/raise at work?
Do you want more time in the day?
Do you want to repair a relationship?
Do you want to take a vacation?
Do you want a deeper relationship with your spouse/partner?
Do you want to be at a different job?
Do you want to develop a community?

What do you want?

Whatever it is, take that step today. Put in the good, hard work to make what you want happen. If you’re unsure how or where to take that first step, I’m here for you! I want to help you figure that out and feel the confidence to take that step. You got this. We got this. We can do hard things.

I want to challenge you to make a move toward the goals you have set for yourself.


Calling All People Pleasers


What Do you See When You Look In The Mirror?