What Does Clarity Look Like?

During one of my coaching calls (yes, I have a coach too), I had a moment where I was able to see myself more clearly than I have before.

Cutting straight to the chase, I don't want you to be like me. I have never wanted you to hear what I say “I’m doing it all right and perfect. I am the example. Be like me”. What I have always wanted is for you to be you. For us to be us. Is there a part of me that deeply desires for you to see and experience what I've experienced? Of course! That’s me wanting you to be you and the only way I know how to encourage you in that is by showing you how I have learned to be me.

As we all individually grow we begin to see ourselves with fresh eyes along the way. This coaching call was just that for me. For years, I have said you are uniquely made. I knew this, but sometimes truth hits differently.

I'm a challenger. I love to challenge myself and others. But, I don’t want you to ever believe that in order for you to be seen or known that your journey, your results, must look exactly like mine. You do not have to be a challenger. You have to be yourself. I want and hope to be able to continually challenge you to live vulnerably so that, you can experience the freedom of being fully known.

This is what clarity looks like to me. And I believe clarity is something we're all looking for. Clarity is what you see with your eyes. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? I mean the metaphorical mirror because I don't mean your actual reflection in a real mirror. I'm talking about when you examine yourself when you take a moment for self-reflection, what do you see? Ask yourself who you are, where you are, and why you are there. What do YOU see?

When we start with acknowledging what is true, what is real, we can begin to see clearly. If you feel like you are lacking something in you life, like you desire something more, start with right now. Where are you, right now? Who are you, right now? With this clarity, what do you like and dislike? What should stay and what should change? Press into vulnerability and learn to continue to trust your gut. You are good.


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